
Message: previous - next
Month: September 2009

Re: [kubuntu-kde3.5-users] ttf-bitstream-vera not in karmic anymore

From: kb9vqf@...
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 16:45:23 -0500 (CDT)
So THAT'S what happened to my fonts!  Thanks for pointing the deletion out
to me--it will be added to the repository ASAP.


> I don't know whether this is known bug. It is the first thing I come
> across when installing KDE3, so I can imagine it is.
> kubuntu-desktop-kde3 depends on ttf-bitstream-vera but it's not
> available anymore in karmic as you can see here:
> http://packages.ubuntu.com/nl/jaunty/ttf-bitstream-vera
> Here is a patch:
> http://haar.student.utwente.nl/~julius/patches/no_ttf-bitstream-vera.patch
> I just removed the package from the dependencies. This allows me to
> install everything, but somehow also brings in some KDE4 packages on my
> system. Another option would be to add this package to the KDE3
> repository.