> 1: the domino widget style. Are you sure that was standard in KDE 3? I've never heard of it. > 2: in akregator ,option to show number of unread posts after chanel name > as akregator 1.2.9(kde 3.5* version) and liferea, > � �- thus hide the column of unread posts. -reason for why: to save > space when using the combined view(3 vertical vindow view) , > � �- and that gives you more space to show the posts in, > � �- specialy when you use the option to load full webpage of rss post > instead of the default rss text-feed post. Here is the bug I just filed: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=190474 Add a screenshot of 1.2.9 to the bug. Thanks. > 3: Overall the option to use the kde3.5* style to �the kde aplications > but whitout losing the improved functionality and whitout using to mouch > outdated code, more a kde4 version > � �of a kde3 visiual interface style. as in the akregator exampel above. You can change the widget style to Plastique or another widget style that was available in KDE 3. -- Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.com http://gibberish.co.il