> Hmm...where do I start? ;-) > I know, there's a long list! > 1. I want to be able to bring up a configuration dialog for *all* of the > Desktop and Taskbar settings by right-clicking on the taskbar. �All I get > when I do that now is a less than helpful stripped down (and ugly) bar > with a couple of settings on it. That is not so much of a bug or missing feature as a personal preference. However, I do share your preference and I hate the current unintuitive and unusable panel configuration. I asked for a KDE3-style configuration dialog in this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165196 If you can be _very_ specific as to which options (just list them all if you must) you would like in a single dialog, I will review it and file the feature request. > 2. A way to shut down plasma, or at least the UI portion of it. �Yes, I > know many people love the plasma interface, but many people hate it as > well. �When I say get rid of it, I mean that ugly "cashew" too (I think > you can remove the "cashew" in in KDE4.3 now, but you couldn't for quite a > while). Well, Plasma _is_ the desktop and panel. What would you have left? Specifically, what don't you like (other than the cashew)? > 3. A way to easily create a new theme--in KDE3, you could do almost > anything with the colors, level of desired effects, etc. You can create themes in KDE 4. Be specific as to what is different from KDE 3 and how that affects you. I am unfamiliar with the theme making process, so be explicit. > 4. Bring back the good old kcontrol--style interface!! �My idea of a good > time is *not* clicking on icons, only to find that what I wanted was not > in that view and having to click back a couple of times before being able > to click on a different icon, which still does not contain the desired > settings...you get the point. �KDE3's reliance on tree views was wonderful > from a productivity standpoint, and I hate to see that element largely > missing in KDE4. I'll file that, and post the bug soon. > 5. I want desktop previews in the pagers. �This is a very useful feature > that I sorely miss in KDE4. I think that this is available in KDE 4.2, no? > 6. Bring back the old clock, the one where I could have it display the > time, in bold, next to the full date, unbolded. Might this be the bug that you are looking for? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=185447 >�I really, really hate the > overall rounded, bulbous look of KDE4, and wish there was an > "un-Fisher-Price-it" setting that would streamline the interface and make > it sleek again. �That means no stacked text in the Taskbar, smaller icons > on the Desktop, getting rid of those huge blobs called the play, pause, > FF, and rewind buttons in Amarok, etc. �Not everyone has or can afford > QXGA monitors! You can set a more space efficient widget style in System Settings -> Appearance -> Style. As for the Amarok Icons we can file a new bug. Send to me a screenshot of Amarok on your monitor. Thanks. > 7. Most of all, bring back the overall configurability, and bring back > useful context menus! �See my complaint in #4; that applies to almost all > elements of the KDE4 inerface. �It is NOT FUN to have to click multiple > time to perform a task that you should have performed in one click under > KDE3. > That's what I am trying to do! But I need _specifics_, not a request for "overall". > There are more, but I'm going to see if these get fixed first. �Please > don't take this list as an insult; these are some of my major issues with > KDE4, and actually, the "new" desktop overall--a lot of these complaints > apply to Vista and Mac OSX as well. �KDE3 was like a fresh breeze to me > compared with those other two. > Keep them coming! Thanks! > Thanks for the offer to file the bugs! > It's for the both of us. -- Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.com http://gibberish.co.il